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Meetings - Details

Swing in Front, Grails in Back

When 2008-08-12 | 18:30:00  
Event Title Swing in Front, Grails in Back
Presenter Jim Shingler
Where OCLC's Kilgour building auditorium
Event description:


Groovy and Grails have given us the ability to leverage the strength of the Java Platform (and Eco System) and the productivity of “Convention over Configuration” to construct websites.  But what if the User Interface requirements of your new application is best solved with the type of interaction a desktop application provides?

Groovy brings the same productivity gain to desktop applications that Grails brings to web applications.  This session will use the Groovy SwingBuilder and popular open source libraries to build a desktop application to interact with a Grails backend.



Jim Shingler is a senior consulting IT architect for a major midwestern insurance and financial services company, ACORD Information Model advisory board member, co-founder of open source project FallME, and co-author of “Beginning Groovy and Grails”. The focus of his career has been using leading-edge technology to develop IT solutions for the insurance, financial services, and manufacturing industries. He has 11 years of large-scale Java experience and significant experience in distributed and relational technologies. 

Venue OCLC's Kilgour building auditorium
Street address 6565 Kilgour Place Dublin OH 43017-3395

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