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Not your father’s Java, not your mother’s JavaScript

When 2023-02-28 | 18:30:00  
Event Title Not your father’s Java, not your mother’s JavaScript
Presenter Dmitry Chuyko and Aleksander Belokrylov
Where Manifest Solutions
Event description:


20 years ago, Java started supporting regular expressions and XML, and JavaScript learned to interact with DOM in IE6 and Netscape. Neanderthals just stopped hunting mammoths after the dot-com bubble burst, while Millennials were mastering the usage of XMLHttpRequest to send SOAP messages, which allowed users to buy philosophical compositions, including “In da Club” and “Chihuahua”. Not to mention that WASM at that time roughly meant Open Watcom Assembler.

Currently, a new Java version is released every six months, and the ECMAScript specification is updated every year. We designate types in TypeSript and run it on the server, and at the same time, there is a JVM implementation in WebAssembly. We write “var” and anonymous functions in Java and define private fields in JS classes.

Let’s have some fun and see how many analogous things have appeared in two languages with similar names that are so often discussed as opposites. The big picture always helps to decide which instrument is better for the tail and which for the trunk.



Dmitry Chuyko is a performance engineer at BellSoft, an OpenJDK committer, and a public speaker. Prior to joining BellSoft, Dmitry worked on the Hotpot JVM at Oracle, and before that he had many years of programming experience in Java. He is currently focused on optimizing HotSpot for x86 and ARM, previously being involved in rolling out JEP 386, which enables the creation of the smallest JDK containers. Dmitry continues his journey in the containerization process and is happy to share his insights and expertise in this field. Dmitry is a well-known speaker in the Java community, and one of his recent public presentations is available here.

Dmitry is also a contributor to the DZone, and his most popular recent publications include:

Alexander Belokrylov is the CEO and co-founder of BellSoft. Alexander’s Java journey started at Sun Microsystems and was followed by his Oracle experience, which helped to establish Alexander as one of the most influential Java thinkers and a significant contributor to Java’s evolution and enterprise adoption.

Since it was founded in 2017, BellSoft has been among the leading OpenJDK contributors and is focused on optimizing operational costs for organizations relying on Java technologies. The BellSoft flagship started from its Liberica JDK and has always followed modern environment demands, and business and Java community initiatives, helping the company to stay on top of current trends. The most recent BellSoft product, Alpaquita Cloud Native Platform, follows this line precisely while pursuing the goals of reaching better, safer, and cheaper OpenJDK performance in the cloud. Alpaquita Cloud Native Platform is designed to make Java cloud-native and deliver a sustainable model of Java development.

BellSoft continues to receive solid recognition from the global Java community and from enterprises working on Java. Liberica JDK is the runtime of choice for leading ISVs such as VMWare and JetBrains. BellSoft products help enterprise customers in an extensive range of industries like finance, stock trading, logistics, telecommunications, and more make their development practice sustainable, secure, and modern.

Alexander Belokrylov is a member of the Forbes Technological Council and a contributor to the DZone. Some of his recent popular publications include:

Venue Manifest Solutions
Street address 2035 Riverside Drive Upper Arlington OH 43221

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