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Setting up data driven tests with Java tools

When 2025-03-10 | 18:30:00  
Event Title Setting up data driven tests with Java tools
Presenter Andres Almiray
Where Manifest Solutions
Event description:


Everyone knows that performing tests during development is the Right Thing to do. But how do we test data driven test cases? How can we ensure clean environments, reproducible outcomes, setting the database with the correct state, ensuring results match expectations, and so on? The Java ecosystem offers several options that we can leverage to answer these questions. In this session we’ll cover how to configure data driven testcases with Testcontainers, setup database state and verify results with DbUnit and Database Rider, even test PL/SQL statements.

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Andres is a Java/Groovy developer and a Java Champion Alumni, Developer Advocate for the Database Group At Oracle, with more than 2 decades of experience in software design and development. He has been involved in web and desktop application development since the early days of Java. Andres is a true believer in open source and has participated on popular projects like Groovy, Griffon, and DbUnit, as well as starting his own projects. Founding member of the Griffon framework and Hackergarten community event. Author of JReleaser. You can find him on twitter too as @aalmiray. He likes to spend time with his beloved wife, Ixchel, when not hacking around.

Venue Manifest Solutions
Street address 2035 Riverside Drive Upper Arlington OH 43221

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Mon, Mar 10 - Setting up data driven tests with Java tools

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